
A 51-year-old woman has a football-sized tumour removed in Lviv

A woman with a giant uterine fibroid was successfully operated on by gynaecologists at St Panteleimon’s Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv. Due to the advanced state of the disease, the woman will have to undergo another three-month rehabilitation.

Ruslana Kashemirova, a 51-year-old woman from Lviv, found out about her uterine tumour in 2018. The reason for her visit to the doctor was constant bleeding and abdominal pain. An ultrasound scan revealed a 13 cm long fibroid, a benign uterine tumour. The tumour had already grown into the intestines and arteries, but the patient was afraid of surgery.

To slow down further fibroid growth and stop her menstrual cycle due to bleeding, Ruslana was prescribed a hormone medication. Over time, the woman gained weight, but at the same time, she lost her appetite and had a constant feeling of fullness in her stomach. The fibroids continued to grow. This year, at the next control ultrasound, doctors stated that the tumour had already filled the patient’s entire abdominal cavity. There was no other way but to remove it. However, Ruslana postponed the operation again – until the autumn.

In June, the woman developed a fever. The temperature rose to almost 40 degrees and did not come down. In this condition, Ruslana was rushed to St Panteleimon’s Hospital.

“Our specialists found the cause of the fever. The tumour was pressing on the kidneys and ureter, causing inflammation and a real threat to life. There was no room for delay. It was necessary to operate immediately. The specialists of the gynaecological department performed a total abdominal hysterectomy, i.e. removed the uterus along with the tumour. Through an incision in the abdominal cavity, they removed a huge fibroid weighing over 5 kg. The surgery was successful.

Ruslana is feeling well after the operation. However, due to the advanced state of the disease, she will need a long rehabilitation – about three months,” the First Medical Association of Lviv said.

In the meantime, doctors urge patients not to ignore health problems and seek help in time.

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