
In Lviv, surgeons reshaped a finger from a rib

In Lviv, surgeons reshaped the finger of a young man. The bone implant for the phalanx was taken from the rib of the patient himself. The operation was performed in the hospital of Saint Panteleimon.

24-year-old Nazar turned to specialists with complaints of unbearable pain in the area of the ring finger of his left hand. Four years ago, the boy injured his hand during a football match, and for a long time did not seek medical help. I thought it was just a slaughter.

The young man felt constant pain and tingling. However, he engaged in self-medication for a long time: he used warming ointments and tightening bandages. For the past few months, nothing has saved me from the constant unbearable pain. Only then did Nazar turn to the doctors.

The diagnosis shocked the patient: he has osteochondroma. Simply put, a benign bone tumor. The doctors’ conclusion is that it should be removed immediately. Doctors performed the operation in two stages. First, the neoplasm was removed, and the biomaterial was sent for histological examination. The second stage was reconstructive surgery.

The large volume of bone damage endangered the preservation of the finger itself. And in order to fill the defect of the bone cavity that arose after the removal of the tumor, the doctors took a part of the rib of the patient himself and formed an implant from it.

The phalanx reconstruction operation was successful. And in order for the bone to be fixed in the correct position, doctors put a plaster cast on the newly formed finger.

Now Nazar comes to the hospital for dressings. Doctors will remove the cast in four weeks, and then the young man will have another six months of rehabilitation. The patient is grateful to the doctors who saved his finger. And now he strongly recommends not to engage in self-medication, but to seek medical help in a timely manner.

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