In a month and a half, 15 thrombus extractions for ischemic stroke were performed in the newly created interventional radiology department of St. Luke’s Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv – that is, the removal of blood clots from the arteries of the brain. This means that 15 patients got a chance to return to a full life.
As doctors explain, an atherosclerotic plaque can be damaged and ruptured, and blood clots in this place, forming a thrombus. It is able to completely or partially close the arteries for blood flow. As a result, brain damage occurs, which leads to the loss of certain functions that were provided by the affected part of the brain.
The new angiograph at St. Luke’s Hospital enables quick and effective diagnosis and treatment. After all, the most important thing is to observe the so-called “therapeutic window” – the time when it is possible to provide qualified help and prevent neurological consequences.
In the department of interventional radiology, diagnostic angiographic examinations and operations are carried out on the vessels of the heart, brain, pelvic organs, aorta and its branches, limbs, trunk vessels.
If you need help from the specialists of the Heart and Vascular Center, call the number: 0 800 333 003.