
The incidence of flu and ARVI is growing in the Drohobychska AH

Грип та ГРВІ в громаді продовжують зростати: медики закликають не займатись самолікуванням  

Over the past week, 230 people in the Drohobychska hromada fell ill with influenza and ARVI – such data were announced at the weekly staff meeting on 7 October by Volodymyr Chuba, head of the healthcare department of the Drohobychska AH.


Among the sick are people of working age and many children, especially schoolchildren.

Of the total number of patients, two were diagnosed with covid, and four were hospitalised. Doctors once again emphasise that at the first sign of illness, poor health, or fever, one should stay at home and seek medical help from doctors, rather than self-medicate.

Over the past week, 380 patients were hospitalised in the community’s medical facilities. Of these, 19 suffered from heart attacks (11 stenting procedures were performed) and 22 from strokes. 79 surgical interventions were performed.

Last week, 8 babies were born in the maternity ward of Drohobych City Hospital No. 1, including 5 boys and 3 girls.

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