
The story of the warrior Andrii Malashkevych, who is undergoing rehabilitation at the Superhumans Center in Lviv

The military man told how recovery is going and what his goal is after full recovery.

Andriy Malashkevych comes from the village of Myropil, Zhytomyr region. Studied at the Odesa Military Academy of Airborne Assault Troops. Since 2016, he has been serving in the 95th ODSHBr. On March 13, 2022, in the rank of senior lieutenant, platoon commander, while defending Ukraine from Russian aggression in the Kharkiv Region, he was seriously wounded. Then the occupiers hit with an aerial bomb.

“When I underwent prosthetics in Estonia, local psychologists questioned whether I had really been in the war, because I was already too cheerful,” Andriy Malashkevych said.

Positive in communication is positive in life. Even when at the beginning it was difficult to trust the prosthesis, he did not lose his optimism, only continued to try and looked for those who would put him on his feet professionally. In Estonia, our defender had his lost leg replaced, but Andrii had an equally difficult journey ahead of him – to learn how to use the new limb as if it were his own.

He is helped in this in the Lviv region. The Defender is at the Superhumans Center. Here, together with rehabilitators, he learns to live life to the fullest with his Genium x3. Now he not only walks, but also jumps, even for promotion. He trains hard every day and smiles a lot. He says he has a clear goal: to live fully and continue to serve the state. After rehabilitation, he plans to return to Zhytomyr Oblast to share his knowledge and experience with his comrades in the training center of the airborne assault troops.

“Andrei, Ukraine is proud of you. People like you are what Ukraine is! Among the patients of the Superhumans Center are many who received prostheses abroad. However, having a prosthesis and being able to live with it are different things. The center provides all support free of charge so that soldiers and civilians can fully recover all lost opportunities. Thank you to the Superhumans team, which helps our strong superhumans to become as independent as possible!” – stressed the head of Lviv OVA Maksym Kozytskyi.

If you know people who have suffered because of the war and need prosthetics or reconstructive surgery, fill out the questionnaire at the link.

We will remind you that a special tour was recently held at the Superhumans Center. For more details, see the link.


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