Ms. Maria was rushed to St. Panteleimon Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv in critical condition. Her blood pressure was critical – 40/20 mm Hg, pulse up to 20 beats per minute. So the doctors immediately took her to the operating room and installed a new pacemaker, the third in her grandmother’s life. In just a few minutes, the patient’s condition stabilized. And on the third day after the intervention, the grandmother went home.
Maria Orobets became ill two weeks ago. At night, her head became very dizzy, the grandmother broke into a sweat, and she could not get out of bed. With her last strength, Mrs. Maria called for help. She was heard by her granddaughter, who immediately called an ambulance.
A long-standing illness showed itself. All her life, the grandmother worked hard in the fields and never complained about her health. She sought medical help for the first time 16 years ago. And after a series of examinations, she was diagnosed with AV block. This is a sharp decrease in heart rate to a critical level, 17-20 beats per minute.
Conservative treatment could no longer help the grandmother, so specialists installed a pacemaker. Since then, the device, which works like a computer, generates electrical impulses to stimulate the contraction of the heart muscle. Seven years later, it was replaced with a new one. However, he also worked his way through. Therefore, the ambulance took Ms. Maria to the Lviv hospital again in extremely serious condition and with a low heart rate. And after the assistance provided, already on the third day after the operation, the grandmother went home.
“We wish Ms. Maria to spend a lot of time entertaining her great-grandchildren and fulfill her main dream – to wait for the victory of Ukraine,” the First TMO notes.