
The Lviv Regional Blood Service Center reports the need for donor blood with a “minus” Rh factor

Director of the Center Yaroslav Dyakiv informs about this.

It is about the need for blood with a “minus” Rh factor of all groups. Blood is needed for the military.

The Center recalls the criteria that a donor must meet:

absence of chronic diseases;

the recommended weight of a person who can share his own blood should be at least 60 kg;

age of donors is from 18 to 60 years.

Blood is accepted on working days from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the address of the Lviv Regional Blood Service Center: Lviv, str. Pekarska, 65. Donors should have a passport or driver’s license with them.

Doctors recommend in the morning before the donation procedure to drink sweet warm tea with cookies, not to consume alcohol for 24 hours, not to consume fried, dairy, bananas, fatty food for 12 hours and remind that a person can donate blood again no earlier than 60 days after the previous donation .

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