
The fifth annual Congress of Paediatricians and General Practitioners in Diagnostics takes place in Lviv Oblast

The fifth annual PRIME PEDIATRICS 2024 Congress takes place in Lviv region

The event gathered over 200 participants and will last for three days.

Yesterday, 7 June, the fifth annual PRIME PEDIATRICS Congress kicked off. The event brought together doctors of various specialities, interns and students.

The aim of the PRIME PEDIATRICS 2024 Congress is to improve the knowledge and skills of paediatricians and general practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the most common infectious and non-infectious diseases of childhood.

In addition, the participants practiced their emergency care and diagnostic skills during the event.

The opening of the Congress was attended by Khrystyna Zamula, Deputy Head of the Lviv Regional Medical Association. She thanked the doctors who save children’s lives during the war and stressed that it is now crucial to take care of children’s health.

“The healthcare sector, in particular paediatric medicine, always plays a key role in life. Improving medical services, accessibility and quality of medical care is something that medical professionals work on every day. Healthy competition in this area stimulates the development and implementation of new methods of treatment and diagnostics, which in turn leads to an improvement in the quality of medical care.

Children are one of the most difficult categories of patients. Their age, psycho-emotional state and not always clearly defined symptoms require paediatricians to have not only a high level of professional training but also psychological skills. I am grateful to our soldiers who keep the peaceful sky above us and defend our borders. It is our duty to be more effective, each of us in our place,” said Khrystyna Zamula.

Among the participants of the event are representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the European Academy of Paediatrics, and the European Confederation of Primary Care Paediatricians.

“When you live with stress and uncertainty for a long time, one of the most serious risks is to lose hope. We want to be there for you so that you have hope, so that all efforts will bring everything back to normal. You face security challenges every day, and we want to help. We, the paediatricians from Europe, do not forget about Ukraine,” said Laura Riley from the European Academy of Paediatrics.

The event is organised by: Ukrainian Academy of Paediatric Specialties and MedExpert Group of Companies.

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