The first medical association of Lviv invites experienced specialists to work in its team. All interested parties are asked to apply – applications from candidates are accepted until April 1.
According to TMO, this job is for you if you:
– you know the methods of asepsis and antiseptics;
– able to provide emergency aid according to local protocols;
– perform all nursing manipulations;
– you can provide medical care for inpatient and postoperative patients;
– own a PC;
– you know the safety rules when working with tools and equipment.
Employees are offered:
– decent salary level;
– insurance of your health and the health of your family;
– work in a team of specialists.
Joining the team is very easy: you need to send your resume to the e-mail address: kadry_1tmo@ukr.net.
Applications from candidates are accepted until April 1. The second stage is personal acquaintance and an interview. Details by phone: 0509503976.