Andriana is 17 years old. The girl suffered from chronic kidney disease since birth. Doctors of the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Center operated on the patient.
Recently, Andriana celebrated a double celebration – her birthday and coming home after a successful kidney transplant. Andriana’s mother did not even think about choosing a gift for her daughter’s 17th birthday. When a nephrologist told her about the possibility of a kidney transplant, she agreed to become a donor without hesitation. The compatibility test was positive.
The girl’s illness was controlled for a long time – complex drug therapy helped. However, in the summer, the child’s condition deteriorated sharply: kidney failure progressed, azotemia indicators increased, which is a direct indication for renal replacement therapy. Doctors and parents faced a dilemma: to form access and start dialysis or to prepare for organ transplantation.
“This case is unique, because we transplanted an organ to a child who had not been on dialysis for a single day. This is common practice for leading European clinics. We managed to work ahead of time, and Andriana can continue to live a full life, without dependence on devices,” said the girl’s doctor, Roman Andrunevich.
Now the girl and her mother are at home, the transplanted kidney has taken root and performs its functions well. The patients are glad that they decided on the intervention in time. Despite the fact that the girl’s body had adapted to high azotemia rates and there were currently no pronounced symptoms, renal replacement therapy (dialysis) was only a matter of time.
“I was not worried, because I believed that everything would be fine. My mother was probably more worried. And I was worried about her”, – this is how Andriana describes her feelings before the operation.
The girl is already dreaming of her future studies at the Lviv Polytechnic, after she acquires the profession of “pastry chef” at the college.
We remind you that the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Center has a special program for patients with chronic kidney disease, according to which the patient receives specific accompanying medical therapy free of charge. So, if your child needs the help of nephrologists, please contact: appointment by appointment:
(097) 070 21 88
(032) 270 22 07
(063) 189 70 50
(097) 150 70 53