
Famous American surgeon to treat children with spinal defects in Lviv

For two weeks, until May 22, inclusive, Mark Dyrzhka, a leading spinal surgeon from the United States, will help specialists at St. Nicholas Children’s Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv treat children with spinal defects.

The doctors will consult and operate on young patients with the following spinal defects: curvatures, congenital and acquired developmental anomalies, vertebral instability, etc.

This time, Brian Dembosky, a neurophysiologist from the United States, will also work with the American surgeon. The goal of the American specialists is not only to help Ukrainian children but also to share their knowledge and experience with Ukrainian colleagues. That is why the foreign specialists will perform all surgeries together with the specialists of the St. Nicholas Children’s Hospital.

“Together, we will surgically treat such types of spinal curvature as scoliosis; pathological kyphosis; lordosis; and congenital anomalies. American specialists will operate mainly on children with combined scoliosis and its complications. As of now, 9 complicated surgical interventions have already been planned,” says the First Medical Association of Lviv.

By the way, this will be the third time that the leading surgeon Mark Dyrzhka will visit Lviv. And recently, a well-known Turkish pediatric plastic surgeon, Hakan Agir, who is a good friend of Ukraine, came to St. Nicholas Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv for the fifth time, where he examined 25 children and operated on 12 children with congenital facial defects.

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