
Dental prosthetics for military and veterans: how the new NHSU pilot project works in Lviv Oblast

Military operations are the reality in which, unfortunately, Ukraine continues to live. Helping and caring for the military is a priority for all government agencies.

Dental prosthetics for military and veterans: how the new NHSU pilot project works in Lviv Oblast

That is why the National Health Service, together with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, has launched a pilot project on dental prosthetics for those who defend Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

<“UAH 750 million was allocated from the state budget to finance the dental prosthetics project, which started on 1 April 2024. In the Lviv region, only Lviv National Medical University has so far contracted for this package, which has already provided assistance to the first patient in April. However, the signing of contracts continues, which means that the number of providers will increase, and we urge our defenders to use this opportunity,” says Tetiana Kudyk, Director of the Western Interregional Department of the NHSU.

Thanks to the project, service providers from all over Ukraine can sign contracts with the NHSU under the package of medical guarantees “Dental prosthetics for certain categories of persons who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine” and receive funds for each patient treated.

The tariff for a medical service is UAH 2,765, which is subject to adjustment coefficients depending on the type of medical service. According to the government’s resolution, the maximum cost of medical services provided to one patient cannot exceed UAH 14,984. A patient can use the service once a year. The service is absolutely free of charge for the patient.

The service can be received:

  • combatants;

  • persons with disabilities caused by the war;

  • military personnel.

To receive a dental prosthetics service, you need to contact a medical institution that is a participant in the pilot project and has already signed a contract with the NHSU. To receive the service, a referral from a dentist is required, as well as an application in any form (for the first time under the pilot project) with copies of documents and their original presentation:

  • a passport of a citizen of Ukraine;

  • taxpayer registration card;

  • ID (combatant / person with a disability as a result of war / war veteran’s ID and/or military ID card of privates, sergeants and officers).

It should be noted that servicemen who are not on leave must also receive a referral from their military unit commander. And then contact a doctor who will provide a referral for dental prosthetics.

You can find the nearest medical institution participating in the project and having a contract with the National Health Service of Ukraine for dental prosthetics on the NHSU dashboard at map of service delivery locations under contracts with details by service groups. You need to select the region and the group of services (“Dental prosthetics for certain categories of persons who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”). Or call the NHSU contact centre at 16-72. The operator will tell you the right medical institution.

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